"The Materials Research Society-Taiwan" is Taiwan's largest academic organization in the field of materials science and it is also one of the earliest-established domestic society in Taiwan. The MRS-T has a history of more than 52 years and its members are distinguished scholars, especially, working on the development of advanced materials for variety of high-level applications. Apart from outstanding international journal publications (Materials Chemistry and Physics supported by MRS-T), it has also become a founding member of the "International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS)" with seven major material science organizations in Asia, Europe and the United States. However, in the past 30 years, we have mainly participated in international conferences related to IUMRS and international academic seminars in the name of our own society is yet to be organized.


In recent years, lots of materials-related societies in Taiwan have promoted international exchange activities and held international conferences. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, the domestic materials field has gradually become well-known in international academics/research. I personally consider that it is a good time to integrate all organization, peers of domestic materials related fields together as a new team, and plan an activity named "Taiwan International Materials Week". I expect that through this exchange platform, Taiwan's excellent researchers in material and related fields will have more opportunities to communicate with the world on advanced technologies, enhance the awareness and influence Taiwan’s research activities. This will also provide opportunities for academic exchanges with international scholars and experts, and fully demonstrate Taiwan’s research capabilities.


Based on the motives above, we are planning to hold the international academic seminars in the name of MRS-Taiwan in mid-November 2021 with Taiwan Ceramic Society and Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology. We would like to invite famous international academic institutions and outstanding international scholars in the field of materials to join the grand event. The conference named "2021 MRS-T International Conference (MRSTIC)", will serve as an excellent platform for the communications between the 6 sessions and 32 symposiums.


The international conference would be combined with TACT2021 and ACTSEA 2021 which are respectively organized by Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology and Taiwan Ceramic Society. All the academic events would be arranged in the same week and take place at the same location, National Taipei University of Technology. We believe that this arrangement would enable experts and scholars from various countries with different specialties to have diverse and in-depth exchange of ideas related to materials research. We also hope that the international friends who come to Taiwan can, in addition to academic exchanges, enjoy the delicious foods, beautiful views, and warm, heart-touching friendship in such the surroundings with relative minor impact of COVID-19 epidemic in Taiwan.


I look forward to seeing you in Taipei in mid-November. Wish you good health.

Jow-Lay Hung

Chair of 2021 MRSTIC

President of MRS-Taiwan