The Materials Research Society–Taiwan (MRS-T) will publish a special issue in Materials Chemistry and Physics (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.094) that includes full papers submitted to and presented at 2021 MRSTIC, focusing on one of the main topics of the conference – Polymers for Energy, (Opto-)electronics, Health, and Related Applications.
A rigorous peer review system will be employed and all submitted manuscripts for the special issue will undergo a peer-review process before publication.
Expected number of full articles in the special issue: 40-50
Regulation of special issue submission
(1) Only the authors who complete the registration and presentation at MRSTIC are eligible to be considered for paper submission.
(2) Submission indicates that the manuscript represents original work, and is not published or under consideration for publication in any forms elsewhere.
(3) Submission via Elsevier portal as follows under the title "Functional Polymer-MRSTIC".
Materials Chemistry and Physics Editorial Manager
(4) Submission & Peer Review Timeline:
Final submission deadline: December 31, 2021
Period of peer-review process: 2-3 months
Revised manuscript due + final acceptance: 2-3 months